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nobili essenze

Sandalwood essential oil


The oil of the citrine sandalwood is a millenary oil, which man has always known and exploited. Thanks to its solemn wood-resinous fragrance, sweet, but also exotic , sandalwood was inhaled on the occasion of great spiritual/religious ceremonies.

Reconnecting to its original usefulness and to the most recent studies, we understand that sandalwood has unique and interesting characteristics:in addition to the antiseptic property, common to other of our oils, this product can be used as an anti-inflammatory when combined with a cream . In addition, it has proved very useful against flu symptoms when mixed with hot water or inhaled in a diffuser. In addition, it is able to stimulate our brain, favoring creativity and intuition.


All of our items are handcrafted with resins and almost untraceable elements , in order to sell products of extreme quality and value. But we decided not to stop there, and use only natural substances without any artificial process . This is noble essences, we take care of your well-being, you of your well-being.

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    The importance of the bottles

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    Why is"purple glass"so effective?

    What makes our bottle the best is theabsolute protection against the degrading effect of the sun's rays. All this is made possible by the glass that makes up the bottle that allows us todo not use preservatives, then keep the productentirely natural. The material, in fact, is able to leavepenetrate only those radiations useful for improving the content, and to safeguard its beneficial properties.